Friday 27 February 2015

29 Weeks Pregnancy Update

I'm a day late with my update, as I was in hospital yesterday with out little guy because he had an allergic reaction to the medication he was put on for his Molluscum contagiosum that had got infected and started to spread all over his body and he was showing flu symptoms with a very high fever so it was alittle scary for us. but he is alittle better today, we are home and he has new antibiotics a new cream and has now officially been diagnosed with eczema :( but we did already know that as he has had it from birth on and off but not as severe as this week.
As far as my Pregnancy, I'm 29 weeks nilly on the home stretch.
I have been pretty well this week, little guy has been kicking and moving lots, I have had lots of back pain but nothing to complain about.
I'm having my glucose test tomorrow so that's going to suck but I suppose it has to be done.
we bought baby's rocker this week and a bottle warmer.
 How Far Along? 29 weeks
Total Weight Gain? 95kg
Maternity Clothes? no new ones.
Stretch Marks? no new ones just old ones, but the old ones seem to be fading which is weird.

Sleep? no sleep last night, but have been sleep ok this week
Best moment this week? probley been a pretty bad week so I don't think there has been a good moment.
Miss Anything? cold weather
Movement? yes so much
Food Cravings? No I didn't have them with first pregnancy
Queasy or Sick? no been a good week
Gender? a little boy
Labour signs? ive had Braxton hicks for about 4 weeks now
symptoms? tiredness, kicks from baby, tummy bump,
bellybutton in or out? In, about to pop
Wedding rings on or off? on (I have had to take off my toe rings tho)
happy or moody? moody
looking forward to? this pregnancy being over haha

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